By: Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, SEOUL

24 June 2024, Seoul. The Philippine Embassy in Seoul welcomed students of the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) under the MA in National Security Administration (MNSA) Programs and Executive Course Program to the chancery on 24 June 2024. The NDCP group visited the Republic of Korea from 23 to 28 June 2024 as part of their foreign travel and their Global Security and Development Study (GSDS) program.

[upper photo] Ambassador Theresa Dizon-de Vega welcomed the MNSA Regular Class 59 at the Sentro Rizal of the Philippine Embassy. [middle photo] Third Secretary and Vice Consul Reisha Olavario gave a briefing on PH-ROK bilateral relations. [bottom photo] Ambassador Theresa Dizon-de Vega, Third Secretary and Vice Consul Reisha Olavario, Philippine Defense and Armed Forces Attache Col. Don Templonuevo INF (GSC) PA with Dr. Alan A Lachica and the MNSA Regular Class 59 and NPDC staff at the Sentro Rizal of the Philippine Embassy on 24 June 2024.
Philippine Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Theresa Dizon-De Vega welcomed the NDCP class to the chancery and highlighted the importance of security and defense cooperation in the long-standing and enduring partnership of the Philippines and the Republic of Korea. Third Secretary and Vice Consul Reisha Olavario also briefed the students on the 75 year partnership of the Philippines and the Republic of Korea, including its current priorities, the security situation in the region, and challenges and opportunities in the defense and security sector. A short Q&A followed where the students' interest in the maturing defense procurement partnership of PH and ROK was highlighted. The Philippine Embassy sought the MNSA students' support in strengthening military-to-military relations between the Philippines and the Republic of Korea in every aspect. In order to appreciate the different branches of government in the ROK, the Philippine Embassy also arranged a tour of the plenary chamber of the National Assembly for the delegates.

The GSDS program provided the opportunity for MNSA Regular Class 59 and Executive Class to observe the political, economic, socio-cultural, techno-scientific, environmental, and military dynamics of the Republic of Korea through meetings with various organizations including the ROK Ministry of National Defense (MND), the Korean Coast Guard (KCG), and the Korea National Defense University (KNDU). The MNSA Regular Class 59, is composed of sixty-five (65) students from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Foreign Armed Forces, and supported by 6 staff members of NDCP and 1 observer from the Department of National Defense. There were likewise foreign students and members of the Executive Class of the NDCP composed of senior government officials. The group was led by NPDC's Vice President & Dean Dr. Alan A Lachica who completed his Ph.D. in International Studies (major in International Relations) from Sogang University in Seoul.

The Philippine Embassy in Seoul is pleased to contribute to the program's foreign travel component, as the MNSA course under the NDCP is an esteemed and well-known graduate studies program for officials working in the Philippine national security sector. The foreign travel to the Republic of Korea provides the MNSA candidates an enhanced perspective as officers and enlisted personnel of the AFP responsible for shaping the future national security policies of the Philippines. END