2017 Education and Training Program for Foreign Workers

The Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes to inform the public that HRD Korea is conducting the following Education and Training Programs for foreign workers (E-9 visa holders) in the country:
1. Job Skills Development Training for Currently Employed Foreign Workers - a job training program to enhance the basic work skills of foreign workers who enter Korea through the Employment Permit System (EPS).2. Education and Training to Support Re-settlement for Foreign Workers who are planning to return to their home countries - an education and training program to train the capabilities for employment and establishment of business after the foreign worker whose sojourn period is about to expire and will return to the home country.
Foreign workers who wish to participate in the training program should fill out the application form and submit it to any training organizations designated by HRD Korea. The form may be downloaded at www.returnjob.or.kr.
Thank you.
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