General Requirements
Appointments. Appointments may be secured at:
- Application forms. Application forms may be downloaded here. For passport applicants, a duly filled-out passport application form will be generated upon appointment confirmation through the Global Online Appointment System at
- Fees. Schedule of fees may be downloaded at here.
- Valid IDs. For a list of valid IDs, please see refer to this page.
Documents requiring apostille:
- Documents issued in the Philippines to be used in Korea need to be apostilled in the Philippines.
- Documents issued by the Korean Government to be used in the Philippines must have an English translation, notarized, and apostilled by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 6F Seocho-gu Diplomatic Center, 2558 Nambusunhwan-ro, Secho-gu, Seoul (Tel. No. 02-733-2114).
- Foreign documents. Other foreign documents must have an English translation and apostilled by the relevant agencies.
- Pictures. All pictures must be taken against a white background and without glasses, hat/cap or other accessories.
- Details. Names and/or details in all documents must be consistent. Please make sure that the order of names and spelling are correct.
- Signature page of the passport. Please sign the signature page of your Philippine passport before photocopying it.
- Please check the Embassy Facebook page for announcements on walk-ins and other services.
Report of Birth
Original and five (5) photocopies of the following:
- Filled-out Application Form
- Birth Certificate of the child from the Korean hospital (with English translation, notarized, and apostilled by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs) if the child is not registered at the Korean City Hall
- Detailed Family Registry Certificate 가족관계증명서상세 (with English translation and notarized) if the child is not registered at the Korean City Hall
- Detailed Korean Basic Certificate 기본증명서상세 (with English translation and notarized) if the child is not registered at the Korean City Hall
- NSO/PSA Marriage Certificate of parents
- Valid Passport of the mother/father or both (proof of PH Citizenship)
- Foreign passport of the child, if any
- Dual Certificate, Order and Oath of Allegiance of the Filipino parent
- Dual Certificate, Order and Oath of Allegiance of the child, if any
If the child was born before marriage:
- Joint Affidavit of Legitimation by Subsequent Marriage
- PSA CENOMAR or Advisory on Marriage
- Proof of Civil Status of the foreign parent or Korean Marriage Relations Certificate 혼인관계증명서상세
- DFA Apostilled PSA Marriage Certificate and PSA Advisory on Marriage, if parent/s is/are divorced or annulled
- DFA Apostilled Death Certificate and previous PSA Marriage Certificate if the parent is a widow/er
- Naturalization Certificate or Detailed Korean Basic Certificate 기본증명서상세 (with English translation and notarized) if the Filipino parent was already naturalized at the time of birth.
- DFA Apostilled NSO/PSA Birth Certificate of the mother, if the mother’s Philippine passport is under married name.
Affidavit of Paternity/Affidavit to Use the Surname of the Father
Original and five (5) photocopies of the following:
- Valid Passport of both parents
- DFA Authenticated/Apostilled NSO/PSA Birth Certificate of the Child
- Draft Child’s Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registrar in the Philippines, if not yet registered with PSA
Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (for Filipino intending to marry a foreigner) / Marriage License (for two Filipinos intending to marry each other)
Original and photocopy of the following:
- Filled-out Application Form
- DFA Apostilled NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- DFA Apostilled NSO/PSA Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR)
- DFA Apostilled NSO/PSA Marriage Certificate and Advisory on Marriages with Annotations for previously married (annulled or divorced) applicants (including former Filipinos or dual citizens at the time of divorce)
- Valid Passport of both parties
- 1pc. Passport-size picture of Filipino parties
- Notarized Affidavit of Parental Consent executed by both parents of Filipino applicant who is 18 to 20 years old
- Notarized Affidavit of Parental Advice executed by both parents of Filipino applicant who is 21 to 25 years old
Special requirements for foreigner fiancé:
- If Korean fiancé, a Detailed Marriage Relations Certificate 혼인관계증명서상세 (with English translation and notarized)
- If Foreign fiancé (not Korean), Proof of Singleness and Divorce Decree issued by his/her Embassy in South Korea
- If Korean fiancé but a former Filipino, a Detailed Certificate of Naturalization (with Official Translation and apostilled by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- If fiancé is a widow, Apostilled Death Certificate
Solemnization at the Embassy
Original and photocopy of the following:
- Original and four (4) Photocopies of the groom and bride’s valid passports
- Two (2) Filipino witnesses, including original and one (1) photocopy of their valid Philippine passports
- Due to the pandemic, no guests will be allowed.
Report of Marriage
Original and four (4) photocopies of the following:
- Filled-out Application Form
- Detailed Marriage Relations Certificate (with English Translation, notarized and apostilled by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- Valid Passport of both bride and groom
- Affidavit of Late Registration (for marriages solemnized more than one year ago)
- Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (LCCM) of the Filipino spouse
Petition for Correction of Clerical Error/Supplemental Report
Original and photocopy of the following:
- Filled-out Application Form
- Passport of the person whose details need to be corrected
- Passport of the representative, if any
- NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- NSO/PSA Marriage Certificate
- At least two (2) supporting documents showing the correct entry/ies upon which the correction/s shall be made
- DFA Apostilled Special Power of Attorney, if representative will apply
Report of Death
Original and photocopy of the following:
- Death Certificate issued by the hospital or Clinic or Death Inquest issued by the Police for unnatural cause of death
- Passport of deceased person
- Personal appearance of person authorized to report the death
Consular Mortuary Certificate
Original and photocopy of the following:
- Death Certificate (with English translation, notarized, and apostilled by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- Embalming Certificate or Certificate of Cremation (with English translation, notarized, and apostilled by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- Certificate of Non-Contagious Disease (with English translation, notarized, and apostilled by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- Passport of deceased person
- Special Power of Attorney executed by the next-of-kin (spouse, parent, or nearest family member, in that order) and transmitted officially to Embassy through the DFA, authorizing an Attorney-in-Fact to coordinate in the shipment of human remains or the cremation and shipment of cremated remains
- Letter of Acceptance of Human Remains from the next-of-kin (spouse, or parent, or nearest family member, in that order), transmitted officially to Embassy through the DFA
- Passport or ID of the representative
- Flight itinerary