"Leaders Forum, February 14, 2009"
To All Heads/Focal Persons of FilCom Organizations/Institutions in Seoul We wish to inform you that the Leaders’ Forum originally scheduled on 15 February 2009 has been RE-SET for 14 February 2009, Saturday, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the chancery of the Philippine Embassy, Itaewon, Yongsan, Seoul.
Agenda: 1. FilCom participation in One Philippines, a commemorative celebration on 31 May 2009 of the 60th Anniversary of the Bilateral Relations between RP and ROK 2. Launching of Assistance Desk for displaced workers (laid off or under rotation by reason of the economic slowdown in Korea). Kindly disseminate this information to your members/network. We will appreciate it likewise if you can send us the name(s) of your group’s representatives to the forum to this email address or call (02) 3785 3634 to 35. Thank you and see you on 14 February 2009.