In view of the rising number of people infected with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Korea, the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Seoul is advising Filipinos staying and residing in the country to take the following precautionary measures against said disease:
1. Practice proper hand hygiene always, by washing your hands with soap or hand rubs with alcohol before and after eating; before and after handling, cooking and preparing food; after coughing, sneezing and using the toilets; and after touching animals. 2. Practice proper cough etiquette by covering your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing. Use a facial tissue when coughing or sneezing and cover your mouth and nose with it. Dispose the tissue in a waste basket. 3. Avoid contact with farm and domesticated animals, including camels. 4. Avoid contact with sick or infected with MERS-CoV. If you have respiratory illness, stay home and wear a surgical mask to protect you family members. 5. If you are a health worker, strictly follow infection control protocols in your work. 6. Visit your doctor, a hospital or health facility immediately if symptoms of MERS-CoV manifest itself, including, persistent coughing, and other. 7. If you were in close contact with a confirmed MERS-CoV patient, comply with local health regulations and postpone any trip abroad until after test results are negative. 8. Practice healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced and nutritional diet, and adequate sleep of at least 8 hours, as it would help strengthen the body's immunity. Currently, the World Health Organization has not declared any outbreak or epidemic of MERS-CoV in South Korea. Moreover, there are no travel restrictions to and from the country. Despite these, the Philippine Embassy is encouraging Filipinos in Korea to practice the abovementioned precautions for their own protection.