The Philippine Embassy wishes to share with the Filipino public an advisory from the Korea Immigration Service ? Ministry of Justice (KIS-MOJ) on the restrictions being enforced by the Korean government on carrying animal products into South Korea.
Beginning 01 June 2019, to prevent the spread of highly-infectious diseases, e.g. African Swine Fever, Foot and Mouth Disease, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, etc., under South Korea's Contagious Animal Diseases Prevention Act, carrying of animal products like raw meat, processed meat, canned meat, eggs and poultry products, milk and dairy products, pet food and supplies to South Korea is restricted and must be reported/declared at the quarantine office of the port of entry. Those who would fail to report carrying animal products at airports and seaports could be fined up to KRW 10,000,000.00, and those who would fail to pay the fine could be prohibited from entering Korea or their extension of visa could be denied.
All Filipinos entering South Korea as visitors, workers, or residents are advised to refrain from bringing restricted items in their hand carried or checked-in luggage. The South Korean authorities are strict with the enforcement of the said regulation. All hand-carried and checked-in luggage of passengers are subjected to security screening at the airport terminals.
For more information, please find attached leaflet on the regulation. END