Contingency Plan - Emergency Shelters in Korea and Updated List of Area Coordinators
We would like to inform the Filipino community that we are still on Alert Level 1 or heightened alertness. The community is advised to remain calm and to continuously monitor developments in South Korea.
Meanwhile, we would like to request all Filipinos in South Korea to familiarize themselves with 대피 소 (shelter) signages in their respective localities so that they know where to go during emergency situations. Below are photos of examples of 대피 소 signages pointing to designated areas all over South Korea to be used as emergency shelters.Emergency Shelter Locations
Busan (Download File)
Chungcheongbukdo (Download File)
Daegu (Download File)
Daejeon City (Download File)
Gangwondo (Download File)
Gwangju (Download File)
Gyeonggido (Download File)
Gyeongsangbukdo (Download File)
Gyeongsannamdo (Download File
Incheon (Download File)
Jeju Island (Download File)
Jeollabukdo (Download File)
Jeollanamdo (Download File)
Seoul (Download File)
Ulsan City (Download File)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea has also informed the Philippine Embassy that an application for smartphones, both android phones and Iphones, to locate the Emergency shelters in South Korea has been made available to the public.
Users of smartphones can download the application from Google Play / Play Store for android users or App Store for Iphone users. To search for the application, one need needs to type "재난" and search for the application's name - "ìž¬ë‚œì•ˆì „ì•Œë¦¬ë¯¸" - and download the app.
Once the app is downloaded, click on the icon named 'shelter' to locate the shelter nearest you (if the phone's location service is turned on) or to locate the shelter nearest the address you will input in the application.
It is also important that each one knows the designated shelters in your own area and to coordinate with each area's Filipino Community coordinators. Below is the list of of names and contact details of the Area Coordinators for South Korea.
List of Area Coordinators 2014