SEOUL, 29 February 2016 – The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines will be closed to the public on Tuesday, 1 March 2016 in observance of Sam-il Movement (March 1st Movement) in the Republic of Korea. For emergencies, please contact 010-9365-2312. The Embassy will resume its regular operations on Wednesday, 2 March 2016.
The Movement which happened on 1 March 1919 was one of the earliest public displays of Korean resistance during the ruling of Korea by Japan. It is sometimes referred to as the Man-se Demonstrations.Approximately 2,000,000 Koreans had participated in the more than 1,500 demonstrations, many of whom were massacred by the Japanese police force and army.
The March 1st Movement provided a catalytic momentum for the Korean Independence Movement. The ensuing suppression and hunting down of activists by the Japanese resulted in the expatriation of Korean leaders into Manchuria, Shanghai and other parts of China where they continued their activities.
The Movement was a catalyst for the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai in April 1919 and also influenced nonviolent resistance in India and many other countries. The Korean Liberation Army was also subsequently formed and allowed to operate in China by the Nationalist Government of China.
The movement also saw a rise in mobilization of Catholic and Protestant activists as well as activism mobilized in the U.S., China and Russia.