GYEONGGI INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC BIENNALE 2017 (GICB2017) Icheon, Yeoju and Gwangju, Republic of Korea 22 April 2017- 28 May 2017

The Korea Ceramic Foundation (KOCEF) will be hosting the Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale 2017 (GICB2017) in Incheon, Yeoju and Gwangju from 22 April 2017 to 28 May 2017.
One of the main parts of GICB2017 is the International Competition. This competition calls for the artworks that mirror the modern trends and future of ceramic arts. It welcomes artworks that redefine the traditional ceramic art. Applicants may apply as individuals or as a team. One team is considered one applicant. Submitted artworks must either be new or not more than three (3) years in the making. Works must not have been previously submitted to other competitions. Each applicant may submit up to three (3) entries. A single entry to be displayed must be within the specified dimensions: 250cm (width); 250cm (depth) and 250cm (height). The online application is from 4 to 31 October 2016. Please follow this link on the step-by-step application process: The Grand Prize winner will receive KRW50,000,000.00. The Grand Prize and Gold Prize winners will be invited to the official opening ceremony of the GICB and other related programs. Round-trip transportation costs and hotel expenses will be provided. For group applicants, the shouldered transportation and hotel expenses will benefit the one person representing the group. All winning artworks (Bronze prize and greater) will become part of the Korea Ceramic Foundation’s collection to be displayed in its future exhibitions. These will also be promoted to the international community through magazine publications, websites and social networking media. For further information, please go to: