The Philippine Embassy wishes to share with the public a reminder from the Korea Immigration Service ? Ministry of Justice (KIS-MOJ) on the need to report changes in alien registration matters within 14 days from the date of change to the Chief of the Immigration Office with jurisdiction over the place of sojourn as stipulated under Article 35 of the Immigration Act.
With regard to changes in passport information, the mandatory reporting period is calculated starting 30 days after the issue date of a passport, taking into consideration that there exists a difference between passport issue date and collection date. Thus, the period of imposing fines is calculated starting 44 days after the issue date of a new passport.
The Immigration Act of South Korea requires that registered aliens report changes in alien registration matters, including name, gender, date of birth, nationality, and passport details (passport number, date of issuance, expiry date). Failure to report such changes will result to administrative fine of less than 1 million Korean won under Article 100 of the Act.
Reporting changes in passport information can be made through the Hi-Korea website ( without having to visit a jurisdictional immigration office except for those who are already subject to fines.
For further inquiries and assistance, please contact the Immigration Contact Center (1345) END.