Paskong Pinoy
I would like to invite the parents and children of multicultural families to a morning of fun and activities on 29 November 2008, Saturday, at the Philippine Embassy, from 10am – 12nn.
The activity aims to re-introduce “Paskong Pinoy†to children of multicultural families through Christmas carols and parol (lantern)-making. The event promises a morning of meaningful exchange as select speakers share with your children the experiences of being a “Batang Pinoy†during Christmas in the Philippines. Light refreshments will be served. Because of the limited space available, the program can accommodate only the first 20 children to register. For registration, please contact Mr. Mylo Fausto, Cultural Officer, at telephone number (02) 796-2403 or email: on or before 25 November 2008. Sincerely yours, LUIS T. CRUZ Ambassador