The Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes to inform the Filipino public in South Korea that a new Emergency Hotline Number was launched on 19 February 2017.
If you are a Filipino citizen in an after-hours emergency situation, you may call the Emergency Hotline Number: 010-936-52312 for assistance. This hotline number will only be operational outside of office hours, including weekends and holidays.
During regular working hours, emergency concerns may be coursed through the ATN Hotline, 010-926-38119 or through the POLO Hotline, 010-457-36290 for emergency labor concerns. These emergency hotline numbers should only be contacted in cases of emergencies involving Filipino nationals.
Philippine Embassy Hotline Numbers (For Urgent and Emergency Concerns Only) Assistance to Nationals (ATN) 010-926-38119 Emergency Hotline 010-936-52312 POLO 010-457-36290
Please limit calls to actual emergency cases only. This will help ensure that urgent calls requiring immediate attention can go through.