The Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes to inform the Filipino public in South Korea of the following emergency hotlines:
Philippine Embassy Hotline Numbers (For Urgent and Emergency Concerns only) Assistance to Nationals (ATN) 010-9263-8119 Emergency Hotline 010-9365-2312 POLO 010-4573-6290 If you are a Filipino citizen in an after-hours emergency situation, you may call the Emergency Hotline (010-9365-2312) for assistance. Please note that this number will only be operational outside of office hours (6 PM until 9 AM of the following day) as well as during weekends and holidays. During regular working hours, emergency concerns may be coursed through the ATN Hotline (010-9263-8119) or through the POLO Hotline (010-4573-6290) for emergency labor concerns. Please limit calls to actual emergency cases only. This will help ensure that urgent calls requiring immediate attention can go through.