Philippine Embassy in Seoul : AH1N1 Advisory
The Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes to advise the public to take all necessary health precautions in light of the outbreak of swine flu. On 25 April 2009, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern."
People who are experiencing fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty in breathing within seven days after traveling to affected areas are encouraged to report to the nearest medical facility for examination. Everyone is requested to strictly observe the following measures to prevent infection: • Keep hands clean and wash hands properly. Alcohol-based sanitizers are most effective; • Avoid touching the eyes, nose, or mouth; • Wash hands with liquid soap promptly if they are contaminated by respiratory tract secretions, e.g., after sneezing or coughing; • Cover nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing and dispose of nasal and mouth discharges properly; • Always wrap nasal and mouth discharges with tissue paper properly in a lidded rubbish bin; • Wear a surgical mask when symptoms of respiratory tract infection or fever develop. Seek medical advice promptly; and • Refrain from going to work or school if you develop symptoms of influenza. Filipinos traveling to affected areas are advised to avoid large crowds, shaking hands, kissing people as a greeting, and using the subway. Those with health concerns are advised to stay in their homes or hotels and call their physicians to avoid possible exposure. Travelers will also be required to fill-out a Health Declaration Checklist at major ports of entry in the Philippines to screen for potential signs of symptoms of exposure to the virus. Filipino nationals who have concerns about the outbreak of Swine flu may call the Philippine Embassy hotline at 010-93652312. END