The Philippine Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, is inviting companies to submit proposal for its procurement of SECURITY SERVICES, in accordance with the Guidelines for the Procurement of Goods and Services, Infrastructure Projects and Consulting Services to be Procured and Performed Overseas as approved by the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) in its Resolution No. 28-2017 dated 31 July 2017.
Following are the Technical Specifications of the Project:
The Philippine Embassy in Seoul, Korea intends to procure for 2020-2021 the security services of a private entity to protect and safeguard its properties and installations, the persons and properties in the premises against threats and unlawful acts of any person, provide emergency response to mitigate the effects of any natural and man-made crises, and maintain peace and order in its premises.
To provide qualified private security services for the Embassy from a company that has the necessary manpower, training, experience, financial resources and capability to provide the needed protection for the Embassy's assets and interests to ensure continuing and unhampered operations and provisions of public services.
A. Qualifications of the Company
1. The Company shall be a corporation or company duly organized and existing under Korean laws and duly licensed by appropriate government authorities, to render security and related services.
2. The Company shall have the necessary capability, expertise, equipment, manpower, financial resources and the experience to undertake the security requirements of the Embassy.
B. Duties of the Company
1. The Company shall render services from Sunday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. continuously to secure and safeguard the Embassy operations and assets as well as visitors within its premises, from threats, hazards, risks as well as from sabotage, theft, pilferage, robbery and other unlawful acts.
2. The Company shall provide the Embassy with professional, trained, duly licensed security personnel who possess the following qualifications:
- Legally eligible to work in Korea
- Physically and mentally fit
- Must have no derogatory record or pending case, both administratively or criminally
- Must have passed the drug test conducted by any government forensic laboratories or by any of the drug testing laboratories accredited and monitored by the Korean government
- Must be courteous, hardworking and cooperative, and possesses good moral character
3. The Company shall ensure that its security personnel underwent the following training programs with the corresponding certifications and/or licenses from duly-licensed training facilities or institutions:
- Proper customer relations
- Proper handling of firearms
- General emergency procedures and crowd disturbance management
- First aid administration
4. The Company shall provide one (1) security personnel to the Embassy.
5. The Company shall not remove, replace or transfer its assigned guard without the written approval of the Head of Post.
6. The Company shall ensure the timely payment of salaries and allowances of the security personnel every month for services rendered to ensure the efficient delivery of services.
7. The total contract price and provisions for employment of the security personnel should be compliant with local labor laws.
8. The Company shall not deploy trainees.
9. The Company and its security personnel shall comply with the security and safety rules and regulations of the Embassy.
10. The Company's security personnel shall only be allowed access to the premises of the Embassy during the scheduled work and shall be confined only within the respective assigned areas of work.
11. The Company shall immediately replace any of the security personnel whose deployment in the Embassy is found prejudicial to the Embassy's interest. The Embassy may ban said personnel from entry into its premises.
12. The Company shall at all times enforce strict discipline among its security personnel and courtesy towards the Embassy personnel and clientele.
13. The Company shall hold the Embassy free from any claim or liability or action filed by the Company's personnel where the Embassy is made a co-respondent/defendant.
14. There shall be no employer-employee relationship between the Embassy and the security personnel deployed by the Company.
15. The contract shall cover a period of one (1) year.
16. The Company shall ensure that a security personnel will be deployed at the Embassy on the hours required in the TOR.
C. Scope of Work of Security Personnel
The Company shall provide the required quality of security personnel and services, such as, but not limited to the following:
1. Deploy trained and qualified security personnel to the Embassy.
2. Protect the properties and other proprietary interest of the Embassy against theft, robbery, arson, trespass, espionage, sabotage, riot, insurrection, destruction or damage, and other wrongful and/or unlawful acts.
3. Ensure public orderliness and security in the lobby and exterior frontage by monitoring access to the building of bona fide applicants and visitors.
4. Refuse entry of or respond to any incident involving suspected wrongdoers.
5. Manage the flow of traffic of applicants and visitors in the Embassy.
6. Implement regulations, rules, guidelines and policies laid down by the Embassy in pursuit of its operation.
7. Regulate the entry of people and parking of vehicles in front of the Embassy, monitor/receive deliveries within the Embassy and implement a log of visitors in the Embassy.
8. Secure the premises from unauthorized persons found loitering or engaging in unauthorized or unlawful activities within the Embassy.
9. Report any incident and/or observation that takes place within the Chancery, and
10. Provide assistance and submit spot reports in cases of emergency situations such as accidents, fire, unruly applicants, protest actions and rallies.
D. Schedule of Requirements
The required personnel shall be made available and ready for rendering services at the Embassy on the first day of the effectivity of the Contract.
The Contract is for a period of twelve (12) months, starting 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.
A. The company shall submit monthly billings.
B. Payments shall be made within the thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of the monthly invoice with complete requirements.
C. The bid price shall cover all necessary taxes, stamp duties, license fees and other levies imposed for the completion of the Contract.
Interested companies may send their duly signed proposal to attention: Ms. Anna Gabriella E. Guinto. The last day of submission of proposals is on Friday, 19 February 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
For further inquiries, please contact the Philippine Embassy at telephone number (02)796-7387 ext. 312.
The Embassy of the Philippines
Seoul, Republic of Korea
08 February 2021