The Philippine Embassy wishes to inform the Filipino Community in South Korea that the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG), in its effort to further contain the spread of COVID-19, has announced that it will require everyone to wear face masks at all times in public, except when eating or drinking. This new measure will be implemented starting Monday, 24 August 2020 until further notice.
The Philippine Embassy appeals for the Filipino Community;s cooperation in strictly following the SMG's new regulation by wearing a face mask in pubic, and urges all Filipinos throughout South Korea to do the same. By wearing a face mask and strictly following the Level 2 Social Distancing Guidelines throughout South Korea, we can help in curbing the further spread of COVID-19 in the country.
The Embassy urges all Filipinos in South Korea to take all necessary precautions, and avoid crowds, gatherings and interactions with people exhibiting symptoms. Filipino Community organizations are likewise advised to postpone face-to-face events to help reduce the risk of contracting and spreading the virus.
The Philippine Embassy stands ready to assist any Filipino in distress through our Assistance to Nationals (ATN) hotline at 010-9263-8119. END
23 August 2020