Invest in RP, Ramos urges foreign firms
Former President Fidel V. Ramos yesterday urged Korean and other foreign companies to invest in the Philippines, saying that even in times of financial crisis, there is opportunity.
Speaking at the Philippine-Korea Business Forum held at the historic landmark Manila Hotel in conjunction with the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the start of diplomatic relationship between the two countries, Ramos said the celebration of 60 years of friendship of two nations was an opportune time to establish new business ventures. During the forum dubbed "Rediscovering the Philippines – the Pearl of Asia," Ramos recalled his own participation in the Korean War in which the Philippines joined United Nations forces in coming to the aid of South Korea. After completing his studies at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Ramos joined the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) and, as a young platoon commander in the 20th Battalion Combat Team, got his baptism of fire in the Korean War. He said that the relationship between the two nations was highlighted by the act of the Philippine Congress to commit the country to defend democracy and freedom in the Korean peninsula against communist North Korean forces, sending Filipino combat soldiers to fight side by side with South Korean soldiers under the flag of the United Nations Command. "As a veteran of that war, I can guarantee that nothing cements fraternity between two strangers better than being in the same side of a bloody but just war. I was there as an infantry platoon leader of the PEFTOK, and I have my own battle experiences from that war which I have treasured all my life," Ramos said.