Wooing Korea into Coral Triangle Initiative
The Philippines is an archipelago rich with tourism options waiting to be explored. One of their most important attractions -- which so happens to be as important to the world's production of fresh air as the Amazon jungle -- is their marine diversity.
"This issue of the protection of the marine environment is very much related to the issue of global warming and of course, many countries are involved in looking for a way to mitigate this global warming problem," Philippines Ambassador Luis Cruz told The Korea Herald. The area in question is a challenge facing the Philippines as well as the area spanning Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste. "This issue of the protection of the marine environment is very much related to the issue of global warming and of course, many countries are involved in looking for a way to mitigate this global warming problem," Philippines Ambassador Luis Cruz told The Korea Herald. The area in question is a challenge facing the Philippines as well as the area spanning Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste. http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/NEWKHSITE/data/html_dir/2008/10/06/200810060021.asp